Website Tour

The driving directions below are slightly more detailed than the official Google map directions which can be viewed by clicking on "View Larger Map" below. There are few road signs. A GPS device or mileage counter is advised for this destination.

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  1. Go to the Google Map page.
  2. Click the Link button. link button
  3. Click Send.
  4. Click GPS and select the brand of your GPS device.

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Additional Information - GPS Coordinates
Cayton Ranger Station:
39°18'20.490" N, 107°33'53.27607" W

  1. From I-70, at Silt, take the 9th Street exit and turn south to River Frontage Rd.
  2. Take River Frontage Rd. east and drive .43 miles to 16th Street/County Road 218 and turn south/right.
  3. 16th Street / CR 218 Crosses the river and becomes CR 311, AKA Divide Creek Rd.
  4. Turn left/east on CR 311.
  5. Drive 1.39 miles and bear right to stay on CR 311.
  6. Drive approximately 6.09 miles and bear right to stay on CR 311.
  7. At approx 7.6 miles, turn/keep right on Maxfield Rd./CR 324 and drive .8 miles.
  8. Take first left at Fairview Dr./CR 342 and drive 3.3 miles.
    1. Take note of your odometer before the next turn (Step 9) as the sign directing you to CH 344 is difficult to see.
  9. Turn left onto County Highway 344 and drive 3.6 miles.
    1. Watch for cows.
  10. Bear right to continue on County Highway 344/79 Rd.
  11. Drive 6.3 miles  on 79 Rd.
    1. This is an unpaved road.
  12. Driveway to destination is on the right. 

There is a sign at the head of the driveway that says Cayton Guard Station. Cayton Ranger Station is approx. ½ mile from sign.