The driving directions below are slightly more detailed than the official Google map directions which can be viewed by clicking on "View Larger Map" below. There are few road signs. A GPS device or mileage counter is advised for this destination.
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- Click the Link button.
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- Click GPS and select the brand of your GPS device.
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Additional Information -
GPS Coordinates
Cayton Ranger Station:
39°18'20.490" N, 107°33'53.27607" W
- From I-70, at Silt, take the 9th Street exit and turn south to River Frontage Rd.
- Take River Frontage Rd. east and drive .43 miles to 16th Street/County Road 218 and turn south/right.
- 16th Street / CR 218 Crosses the river and becomes CR 311, AKA Divide Creek Rd.
- Turn left/east on CR 311.
- Drive 1.39 miles and bear right to stay on CR 311.
- Drive approximately 6.09 miles and bear right to stay on CR 311.
- At approx 7.6 miles, turn/keep right on Maxfield Rd./CR 324 and drive .8 miles.
- Take first left at Fairview Dr./CR 342 and drive 3.3 miles.
- Take note of your odometer before the next turn (Step 9) as the sign directing you to CH 344 is difficult to see.
- Turn left onto County Highway 344 and drive 3.6 miles.
- Watch for cows.
- Bear right to continue on County Highway 344/79 Rd.
- Drive 6.3 miles on 79 Rd.
- This is an unpaved road.
- Driveway to destination is on the right.
There is a sign at the head of the driveway that says Cayton Guard Station. Cayton Ranger Station is approx. ½ mile from sign.